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AHS Subject Guides: How-to for Teachers: NoodleTools Tutorial: Start Here

The website holds instructional and reference materials for applications teachers use at Amity.

NoodleTools tutorial: Start Page

Noodle Tools Tutorial: Start Here


Workshop objectives:

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

  • 1. Identify educational issues related to citing sources in classroom research.

  • 2. Activate your account in NoodleTools.

  • 3. Create citations.

  • 4. Manage Citations: Share, export, merge.

  • 5. Create and organize notes in NoodleTools.

  • 6. Create the beginnings of a formatted paper in NoodleTools.


ISTE Standards Addressed:

3.Citizen: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world. Educators:

3.c. Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.

3.b. Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.


See complete course outline and objectives at the bottom of this section.

To prepare for this workshop, please read these instructions:

It is recommended that you use two browsers for this activity:

  1. Open a web browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, etc.)

  2. Open a second, separate browser window (not a tab), of the same or a different browser product.

  3. Practice switching between the two browsers by using the command ALT and TAB. Hold down ALT, and hit TAB repeatedly to toggle between the browsers.

  4. It is recommended that you use one browser to always keep the instructions open, and the other browser to work on NoodleTools.

  5. If you are inside the school, you will be able to access most of the databases automatically.  

  6. To see the detail in the screen shots, press and hold the ctrl key while pressing the + key to zoom into your screen. The - key zooms back out.

  7. If you are outside the school, you will need your school username and password to sign into some of the databases.  In addition, depending on the date you complete this workshop, you may need a special username/password to view databases. This information will be provided in the tutorial.  


Begin the workshop: Video Guide version


Begin the workshop: Written instructions and screenshot version


Amity High School, Amity Region 5 School District, Woodbridge, CT 06525, 203-397-4844 Librarians: Robert F. Musco and Victoria Hulse Copyright 2017