Creating Citations in EasyBib
Information literacy topics:
Organizing source citations
Using technology tools
Objective: To understand and define the concept of a research “citation”, and to use a web citation generator (EasyBib) to create citations and bibliographic references..
1: Find the activities for this class, at:
Amity website→High School→AHS Library Information Center
(tab) Find Online Stuff→By Subject→Reading
(tab) Class Projects →Content Literacy→ Creating Citations with EasyBib
Part A: Understanding and Creating Citations
2. Discussion: “What is a citation?”
3. Discussion: “What kind of information is included in a citation?”
4. Look at this citation. What kind of source is it? What information does it have?
Burns, Alexander. "Division Deepens in the G.O.P. Field on Immigration." New York Times. 13 Feb. 2016: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Mar. 2016.
5.a. Sign up for an account in EasyBib. (Skip if you have your account.)
Go to EasyBib.
Log on if you have an account, OR sign up.
Use the high school coupon code: "amityregionalhs1"
If you already have an account from Orange or Bethany, it should still work.
5.b. Create a Project to start making citations.
Click on +New Project
Name the project “PRACTICE”, choose MLA as your default style, click CREATE.
If EasyBib freezes, hit the ESC key, and REFRESH the web page. The project will probably have saved. If not, just use any already existing project. You can always move your citations from one project to another.
See your project title, and click "Bibliography" (where you create your reference list)
You are ready to create a citation list.
6.a. Creating an AUTOMATIC citation export for a database article (SIRS).
Go to this article from a database: “Taking in Refugees Is Good for America.”
(One click access from school. From home, sign into the database FIRST).
Click on “Citation” in the upper right.
Click on “Export to EasyBib” in the bottom of the page.
Click “Import”
Look at your citation in EasyBib.
You can check the accuracy of your citation by looking at the MLA guide HERE.
6.b. Student practice: creating a COPY AND PASTE citation for a database article (SIRS).
Go to this article again: “Taking in Refugees Is Good for America.”
Click on “Citation” in the upper right.
Find the MLA citation at the bottom of the page.
MANUALLY COPY the citation for practice (use MLA format).
In EasyBib click on the “All 59 Options” tab, then “Write/Paste Citation” in the right.
PASTE the database article citation directly in EasyBib.
Notice the differences between this copy and paste citation, and the automatic citation in the previous step.
You can check the accuracy of your citation by looking at the MLA guide HERE.
6.c. Creating a MANUAL citation for a database article (SIRS).
Go to this article again: “Taking in Refugees Is Good for America.”
Go back to your bibliography in EasyBib.
Click on the “Journal” tab.
Click on “Manual Cite” in the blue area.
Click on the “Online Database” tab.
Fill in the all the fields you can, copying from the article:
Article Title
Journal Title
Volume and Issue
Database (SIRS Issues Researcher)
Date Accessed
Click “Create Citation”
Notice the differences between three citations. Which is right?
6.d. Creating a DOWNLOADED FILE citation for a database article (Academic Search).
Go to the article “Trump's immigration plan gains endorsements. What's included?” in the database Academic Search Premier database (part of iConn).
Click on the EXPORT icon in the right-hand side-bar.
Do not direct export to EasyBib this time (we want to practice downloading citations).
Choose the “Direct Export in RIS” format option.
Save the .ris file to your DESKTOP.
In EasyBib go to the “All 59 Options” tab, then “Upload/database import” on the right.
Browse for the .ris file you downloaded on the desktop.
Click “Import”.
Click “reload”
Click “Show Bibliography”.
What is wrong with this citation? Click “Edit” to fix it manually.
6.e. Creating a MANUAL citation for a book, Arguing Immigration, “What information will I probably include from this book?”
Go to Bibliography, go to the Book tab
Click ¨Manual Cite¨ and fill in all the information needed:
Look at the book cover, find the:
Look at the title page
Date of publication
Look at the chapter you are citing
Chapter name
Page number
Look at the back of the book
Click “Create Citation”
Now, try an automatic citation:
Go to Bibliography, go to the Book tab
Search by title, authors, or ISBN (number on the barcode)
If you find the right book (check title, author, publisher, and year), choose that book.
Now check the manual citation you wrote against the automatic citation. Are they the same?
6.f. Now, find one of your own sources for your project, and create a citation for it.