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AHS Subject Guides: Science: Cournoyer

This guide includes print and online resources for Science: Courses include: Biology, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics, Forensics, Human Anatomy, etc.

Cournoyer: Intro to Online Sources and Creating Citations using Noodletools

Biology I (updated 1-2022)

Introduction to Online Sources and Using Noodletools to Create Citations

Information literacy topics: 

-Determining best sources

-Searching strategies for information

-Evaluating sources

-Creating citations

-Using technology tools


1. Objective: To demonstrate different sources students can use for research,  and to develop and practice searching strategies, such as the use of limiters, for relevant information, to understand and define the concept of a research “citation”, to use a web citation generator (NoodleTools) to create citations and bibliographic references using MLA Style


Learning Expectations:  Academic-Problem-solving: “Students will use appropriate tools strategically to solve problems.”


2. Discussion:

What is a database?

Why are they “good” to use for research?



What are the different types of online databases sources to find information?  

A. School Product Database Sites (paid subscription $$$): 

-Includes articles from many different kinds of periodicals, including proprietary materials.


Science in Context (available through Amity)

B. Specialized Databases (paid subscription $$$): 

-Includes articles from many different periodicals in specific subjects. 


Science Reference Center (science, and related fields, not through Amity)


3. School Product Database Site: Science in Context, mix of periodicals

Main points: 

-Look at the Lesson Plan to review what we discussed.


4. Recommended website for project: Animal Info and Endangered Species, or World Wildlife Fund.


5. Creating Citations using Noodletools 

(See Google Slideshow

Objective: To understand and define the concept of a research “citation”, to use a web citation generator to create citations and a work-cited list.

Discussion: What is a citation?


6. Discussion: Why are we required to create citations?

Possible responses: To give credit to where you got your information, to show you’ve used credible sources, to be a responsible scholar, to avoid plagiarism, to allow your reader to verify sources if there are questions. 


7. Discussion: Why do we use Noodletools?


8. Discussion: What kind of information is included in a citation?


9. Discussion: What information can you find here?

Jacobson, Molly. "Backyard Pollinators: Going Native and Providing a Haven." New York State Conservationist, vol. 75, no. 1, Aug. 2020. Gale in Context: Science, Accessed 27 Oct. 2021.


10. Sign-in to Noodletools and update your profile to reflect you are a student at Amity High School.


11. Create a new project titled “Endangered Species” and click the + under Teacher Inbox and type “Endangered Species Period ___” (with their period #).


12. Practice: Search Science in Context and find the reference article on a black rhino and create a manual citation for the article.  


Additional Tips:

-You are MORE likely to find something useful for school FASTER from a paid database than from a web search.

-Everything that ISN’T useful has NOT been included.

-Everything you find in a full-text search is really available, as opposed to just being a summary (abstract).

-You can avoid “pseudo-authoritative” sources written by people who confuse opinion with science, and beliefs with objective facts.

Using Book Creator

Using BookCreator  (updated 1-2022)

Information literacy topics:

- Using technology tools


Objective: To effectively use the BookCreator platform to create an online eBook that takes advantage of the full possible range media contect to present a narrative (children’s book).


Learning Expectations: 

Academic-Writing: “Students will produce and distribute a variety of writing designed to entertain, inform, or argue, as well build and present knowledge derived from research.“

Academic-Problem-solving: “Students will use appropriate tools strategically to solve problems.”


1. Discussion:

We are going to discover how to use the BookCreator platform together as you begin to produce your eBooks.


Look at these examples:

Girls Don't Play Basketball by Leah Ray

Graphic novel-style (narration included, no video)


The Magical Moustache by Mrs. Goodwin's 2nd Grade Class

Graphic novel-style (limited voice-over, some video, some sound effects)


How the Rides at Great Adventure Work by Mrs. Pepe’s 2013-14 Physics Class

Regular book setup (voice-over, no video, pictures included) 


2. Getting started

- Go to

- Sign in as a STUDENT

- In “LIBRARIES”, go to “Join a Library”. Use the join code below:

Mr. Shamp: YJ5ZQ6H

Mr. Amato: YJRQTQM.


- Use the to start your book.


3. Add your text, images, and sound. (Hint: Write and refine all your text first in a Google doc so you don’t lose it.)


4. Learn how to do more by following:

- A short video from your librarians.

- These really good written instructions from BookCreator.

Database Searching and the Power of Limiters


Marine Biology

Database Searching and the Power of Limiters (updated R. Musco 4-2017)

Information literacy topics:

  • Determining best sources

  • Searching strategies for information

  • Evaluating sources

  • Using technology tools



1: Find the activities for this class, at:

Amity website→High SchoolAHS Library Information Center

(tab) Find Online Stuff→By Subject→Science

(tab) Class Projects →CournoyerDatabase Searching and the Power of Limiters


2. Objective: What do we want to accomplish today?

To perform an efficient search for peer-reviewed academic journal articles, and/or magazine and newspaper articles on a given topic, using limiters in a college-level database (EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete)


3. Choosing the best resource:

Some databases from our library webpage with science articles:



Environmental Topics, All Formats




Mainfile and MasterFile

All Topics, All Formats






Science in Context

Science Only, for School




Academic Search Complete

All Topics, All Formats, 9000 Academic Journals



Academic Search COMPLETE: From the publisher EBSCO, Academic Search Complete has the largest number of peer-reviewed academic journals (9000) of all our databases, through a wide range of academic disciplines, from the behavioral and technical sciences, through education, theatre, and many more. It includes some popular magazines as well as scholarly journals.


4. Searching strategy: Search Terms

ESBCO:  Academic Search COMPLETE:

Main points:

  • Take note of your surroundings:  Look at main menus, search options, etc..

  • Search box:

    • Always give yourself more options with an “Advanced Search”.

    • Consider what you are searching for: Title? Author? Subject? Word in text?

    • Start simple.  You can always add more words to narrow down.

    • Too many results and not really relevant? Add more words to narrow down.

    • Too few results? Broaden your search with fewer words.

    • Use more advanced techniques:

      • Try with synonyms or related words (turtle, turtles, excluder, excluding, exclud*. etc.)

      • Use commands (“operators”) to narrow down: AND (to get both terms), OR (for one OR the other), NOT (to filter out the word), apostrophes around several words like “turtle excluder” or “fturtle excluder device” to get the exact phrase

    • Always limit to full-text, if it is what you need.

    • Notice what appears when you start to type “turtle”. How many results do you get? How does it change when you add “excluder”. How about “exclud*”?

    • Focus on results, and LEFT sidebar

      • Notice the number of hits for each Source Type.

      • Notice other “limiters”. Which are useful for our search?

5. Searching Strategy: Limiters


    • Notice the number of hits for each Source Type.

    • Use checkbox “limiters” on the LEFT sidebar to LIMIT your search by:

      • Etc.

      • Source Type (only Academic Journals? Magazines? Newspapers?)

      • Publication Date

      • Full-text.

  • When you identify a good source/article:

    • Choose a relevant article, and notice the related SUBJECTS.

    • Follow up on subject leads that appear in relevant articles. Remember, hey were chosen by humans: (how about “TURTLE excluder devices”, “BYCATCHES (Fisheries)”?).

    • Save your chosen results to avoid losing stuff (use personal lists, email, notes/citation tools, etc.). Add a user name and password to save searches and results.

Cournoyer: Shipwreck and Ocean Exploration

Shipwreck and Marine Exploration

Understanding Shipwreck and Marine Exploration



Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has online materials about Underwater Archaeology, including exhibitions of three major underwater sites, including the Titanic and a sunken passenger aircraft.

Don’t forget to look at the technology used by Woods Hole at their Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory.




The Maritime Archaeology Trust is a registered charity in England, involved in research, investigations and pioneering techniques for the study of marine cultural heritage. Start with their explanation titled “What is maritime archaeology?”, and then you can start to explore the incredible wreck sites through the interactive pages.

Nautilus Live, is a project carried out by the The Ocean Exploration Trust, founded by Titanic-discoverer and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Robert Ballard, is dedicated to scientific exploration of the ocean floor. Live feeds of ocean exploration, and images and videos of past explorations are available on the site. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has online materials about Underwater Archaeology, including exhibitions of three major underwater sites, including the Titanic and a sunken passenger aircraft.

Don’t forget to look at the technology used by Woods Hole at their Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory.


The National Marine Sanctuaries site from NOAA’s National Ocean Services includes various shipwreck histories and explorations.


Shipwrecks: The Antikythera

The Antikythera Wreck is of huge historical significance to Greek maritime history, because it sheds new light on the sophistication of ancient sailing technology.The wreck has remained largely intact, because of the difficulty of exploring the ocean site.

Read the article High-tech Dives on an Ancient Wreck, that describes the incredible technology needed for this challenging project, including the “exosuit” used in the exploration.



Shipwrecks: The HMS Victory,1774: The Greatest Warship


“The HMS Victory was launched in 1737 and later became the flagship of the

Channel Fleet. She was lost less than a decade later during a violent storm in October 1744. Victory is unique: the only scientifically-studied wreck of a First Rate English warship.” Explore the Victory.

Read the article The Sinking of the First Rate Victory (1744): A Disaster Waiting to Happen?.

Cournoyer: Salmon Videos

Here are some online video resources for learning about salmon and the problems they are facing:

Salmon: Running the Gauntlet

PBS Nature

Premiere date: May 1, 2011, length 0:53:19

Available online at PBS and YouTube, or DVD purchased



A Last Wild Salmon

1997, length 0:50:19      

Available for DVD  purchase



Salmon Confidential

Salmon are Sacred

2013, length 1:09 British Columbia

Available at YouTube

Cournoyer: Sounds of the Sea (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Sounds of the Sea (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology)



Sounds of the Sea (multimedia material)

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology provides videos, sound files, and additional student resources for the study of marine biology, in Sounds of the Sea To access them on an individual basis, paste the address below into your browser, OR go to the START menu, and in the folder window click on COMPUTER, and paste it in the address bar. Access is only available from inside the school network.

\\woodbridge13\lmc\Sea of Sound DVD Cornell Lab


Amity High School, Amity Region 5 School District, Woodbridge, CT 06525, 203-397-4844 Librarians: Robert F. Musco and Victoria Hulse Copyright 2017