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AHS Subject Guides: English: J. Wentworth College Research

This guide includes print and online resources for English: Courses include: English Literature, Communication, Expository Writing, Creative Writing, Journalism, Humanities, Reading, etc.

Suggested Resources for History Research Project

If you are researching a person, try the following databases:

Biography Reference Center

Biography Reference Bank

Other historical databases to check out:

Academic Search Complete


Chronicling America


History Reference Center

As always, check out all of the databases on the Amity Library Page.  

Additionally, we have BOOKS in our library on many of your topics.  Check out the library catalog.  If there is a book we do not have on your topic, but would like to get, see Mrs. Hulse.    


J. Wentworth Databases and Noodletools

Introduction to Research Resources

Information literacy topics:

  • Using databases

  • Searching strategies for information

  • Using technology tools

Objectives: Understand what a research database is and some of the ways that it differs from a Web search engine, construct and refine searches using database features, and identify citation information

1. Direct student to activity guide online at:

Google "Amity library." Click on first result.

Find Online StuffBy Subject GuideHistory/Social StudiesClass Projects E-ZNorrisIntroduction to Research Resources             


2. Initiation: students will conduct a scavenger hunt as a way to expose them to the databases Amity offers, focusing on the databases that will be utilized in World History class.  (10 mins.)


3.  Discussion: What is a database?  How does it differ from a web search?  Why should you use them?  

a. Watch video:​


        b.  Top Reasons to Use Databases--designed by AASL.  


4. Types of online databases discussed today

  • School product databases

    • Include articles from many different kinds of publications, including proprietary materials.

    • May include e-books, encyclopedias, etc.

    • Include lots of easy access tools, may have overviews on topics (a little like a textbook)

    • Usually divided in subject areas

    • Offer multiple ways to browse or search

    • Examples:

    • Show students how to limit searches: images, video, primary sources, etc.  

    • Demonstrate where they would get citation information


  • Scholarly databases

    • Most often used at college level.

    • May include e-books, encyclopedias, periodicals (journals, magazines, etc.).

    • Offer multiple ways to browse or search, but are less concerned with being attractive than school product databases.

    • Information is usually NOT organized in topics; you have to search.

Example:​ JSTOR

  • Show students how to limit searches: images, video, primary sources, etc.  

  • Demonstrate where they would get citation information


5. Sign up for your account in NoodleTools.


5. Activate your own, personal account using our Amity subscription.

5.a. Go to this custom Amity High School Noodle Tools sign-up.

5.b. Click “REGISTER” at the bottom to sign up for a new account.



5.c. Only if you are outside the school. If you are in school, skip to next step.

Leave the default choice of “An account linked to a school/library subscription”.

Fill in the School/Library Password (ahs) and click “Continue”.



5.d. Leave the default choice of “An account linked to a school/library subscription”.

Fill in the New User Registration information, and click “REGISTER”. (Your Personal ID, which is your user name, can be a name or an email address.)


5.e. Go to “My Account” in the upper right and “My Profile” in the dropdown menu.


5.f. Fill in all the information. If you put in your Google address in “Google Account ID”, you will be able to link to Google Docs.

Click “Save Profile”.

6. Create a project to begin citations.

6.a. Click on “New Project”.


6.b. Enter a “Project Title”.

6.c. Choose “Chicago/Turabian” style (for this History class), and click the “Advanced” citation level for full functionality. Click “Submit”.


6.d. Write a “Research Question” (think of something related to your topic).

6.e. Write a “Thesis” statement. This is the statement or question you will prove or discuss.

6.f. Click the “Projects” tab to view your project list.


6.g. Click on the name of your project to open it.


6.h. Click on the “Sources” tab. You are now ready to cite a source.

J. Wentworth: College Research--Finding and Evaluating Sources

College Research (English)

Finding and Evaluating Open Web Sources (Updated 2017-18, V. Hulse)

Information literacy topics:

  • Determining best sources

  • Searching strategies for information

  • Evaluating sources

  • Using technology tools


Objective: To learn to find relevant and reliable open web research sources, to evaluate these sources for reliability, and to use appropriate technology tools.

1.Go to activity guide online at:

Amity website→High SchoolAHS Library Information Center

Find Online Stuff→By Subject→English→Class Projects →Wentworth College Research→Finding and Evaluating Open Web Sources

2. Presentation/demonstration/discussion

  • Review google slideshow with students

  • Discuss elements of web pages

  • Students practice cooperatively with a web page of their finding

  • Teacher will assess student progress:


3.  If time permits--Citations: Easybib and Noodletools--will demonstrate the programs as the students will not have computer

  • Easybib--How many of you have used it?

  • Easybib--only does MLA for free

  • Demonstrate use of Easybib (manual cite feature)

  • all it does is citations

  • Noodletools--How many of you have used it?

  • paid subscription by district

  • being used by many teachers and classes--simple to use and will save your work

  • Will complete citations, notes, outlines, etc.  

Amity High School, Amity Region 5 School District, Woodbridge, CT 06525, 203-397-4844 Librarians: Robert F. Musco and Victoria Hulse Copyright 2017