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AHS Subject Guides: Research Skills: NoodleTools for Citations and Notes

This guide provides links to resources, and some instructional material to help you in the research and writing process.

Activate Your Account in NoodleTools

2. Activate your account in NoodleTools

For users who signed on to NoodleTools during or after the 2018-19 year


2. Activate your own personal account through your Google account.


Note: If you are new to the district, or did not sign on to NoodleTools in 2018-19 follow different instructions.


- If you have signed on to NoodleTools during or after the 2018-19 year:

- Sign in Google Drive first and find the NoodleTool app logo under the


- or log on to NoodleTools using your Google sign-on. 



Re-enter your Amity Google account email, and your Google password. 


If the screen below appears it means you are new to the district, or did not sign on to NoodleTools in 2018-19, and should follow different instructions.




You should be on the screen below. 


Under “My Profile” make sure your  first and last names are complete.



Creating Citations and Notes with EasyBib

Introduction to Citations, References, and Note-taking with EasyBib

Teachers can allow students to follow this guide independently, or use the guide as part of a directed class lesson (see lesson plan and presentation at end of guide)

Information literacy topics:

  • Taking notes

  • Organizing source citations

  • References

  • Using technology tools

Objective: To understand and define the concept of a research “citation”, and to use a web citation generator (EasyBib) to create citations and bibliographic references, and organize notes.

Before class: Students will have narrowed their areas of interest for their research topics, been shown how to search school databases, and have identified some research sources.

During class:

1: Find the activities for this class, at:

Amity website→High SchoolAHS Library Information Center

(tab) Find Online Stuff→By Subject→Research and Writing

(tab) How can I use Technology Tools →Creating Citations and Notes with EasyBib

Part A: Understanding and Creating Citations

2. Answer the question, “What is a citation?”


3. Answer the question, “What kind of information is included in a citation?”


4. Analyze this sample citation to see which elements it includes.

Students answer: “What kind of source is it?”

Goldfarb, Ronald L. "Three Conscientious Objectors." American Bar Association Journal 52, no. 6 (June 01, 1966): 564-67. Accessed March 3, 2015. doi:10.2307/25723644.

5. Sign up for an account in EasyBib.


Follow these instructions:

  • Please use the high school coupon code: "amityregionalhs1"

  • If you already have an account from Orange or Bethany, you should eventually create a new account with the high school coupon code.


  • Log on

6. Practice creating citations.

  • Click on +New Project

  • Name the project, choose Chicago  as your default style, click CREATE.

  • Go to Bibliography (where you create your reference list)

  • You are ready to create a citation list.


6.a.. Student practice: COPYING a citation for a database article (ABC-Clio).  

  • Go to this article from a database. Find the citation at the end of the article, or click on “Cite this document”. Copy the citation (use Chicago format).

(If the link doesn’t work, here is the citation below:)

"Gillette v. United States (1971)." American History, 2000. Accessed March 4, 2015.

  • Cut and paste this citation directly in EasyBib.  Go to “All 59 Options”, then “Write/Paste Citation”.


  • NOTE: You could also have chosen the automatic “Export to EasyBib” option, visible when you clicked on “Cite this document”.

  • You can check the accuracy of your citation by looking at the Chicago guide HERE.


6.b. Student practice: EXPORTING a citation for a database article in JSTOR (register here).  

  • Register for an account in JSTOR, so you can access from home, and save your citations.

  • Search for the article titled: “Three Conscientious Objectors”.  Open the article

  • Click on CITATION TOOLS. SAVE CITATION to save it to your JSTOR account (recommended, so you don’t lose the article).

  • Click on CITATION TOOLS/EXPORT CITATION (choose RIS file, and download it to your desktop).

  • Upload the citation file to EasyBib. Go to “All 59 Options”, then “Upload/Database Import¨”. Find your file, upload, and you will see it in your bibliography.

  • Edit and correct the citation if needed (no import is always perfect).

6.c. Practice; Creating a MANUAL citation from a book.

Discussion:  “What information will I probably include from this book?”

  • Go to Bibliography, go to the Book tab

  • Click ¨Manual Cite¨ and fill in all the information needed. Please do this manually to get practice.

    • Look at the book cover

    • Look at the title page

    • Look at the chapter you are citing

    • Look at the back of the book

  • NOW try an automatic citation:

    • Search by title, authors, or ISBN (number on the barcode)

    • If you find the right book (check title, author, publisher, and year), choose that book.

  • Now check the manual citation you wrote against the automatic citation. Are they the same?


Part B: Writing and Organizing Notes in EasyBib


7.a. Students practice taking notes.  

  • Back in EasyBib, go to Notebook under project dropdown box:

EasyBib dropdown.jpg

  • Create a new note under the NEW NOTE tab, for the first article.


    • Include a title that represents the basic idea of your note.

    • Choose one of your source citations from the dropdown menu.

    • Cut and paste a QUOTE, or write a paraphrased note. Hint: take the time to create a well-written note NOW, that could get slotted right in your paper.

    • Save the note.

  • Create a second note in the same way for the second article.

  • Drag one note on top of the other to create a GROUP.

  • Name your GROUP. A group can be a category or theme that both notes address. We are pretending that the two notes deal with the same specific topic.


7.b. Start your outline:

  • Drag your GROUP of two notes to your OUTLINE on the right.  The GROUP has become a heading, and each note is a sub-heading.

  • You can change the relationships in your outlines


7.c. Create a text document of your notes:

  • When you have a million notes grouped into themes/categories, choose PRINT to create a text document, that you can build to convert into a finished paper.

8. Cite your sources within your paper.

  • How do you cite the article in the body of your paper? In general, in MLA  format, when you include an idea or quotation in the text from a research source, you generally include the author’s name and the page number, where there is one.

  • You will need to follow the instructions and examples from a reliable source, like the writing experts at Purdue University’s OWL CHICAGO style pages.


Additional Online Resources

The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University has an entire set of online guides for writing research papers, including materials on how to cite and format documents in the major citation styles.

Amity High School, Amity Region 5 School District, Woodbridge, CT 06525, 203-397-4844 Librarians: Robert F. Musco and Victoria Hulse Copyright 2017